Post-ITA Adding Spouse After Receiving ITA with Scores Above Cut-Off - Misrepresentation Risk?



If I receive invite at 510 on 490 cutoff draw, can I add spouse later? With spouse score of 493, will IRCC reject profile? Is it called misrepresentation?


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
If I receive invite at 510 on 490 cutoff draw, can I add spouse later? With spouse score of 493, will IRCC reject profile? Is it called misrepresentation?

Misrepresentation is when you choose to deliberately mislead the visa officer into believing something else which is not true. Or if you provide fraudulent information. Or if you withhold information which would otherwise lead the visa officer to decide the matter in a different way.

If you are married then spouse accompanying / not accompanying is not misrepresentation. As long as your score remains above the cut off level of 490 after adding your spouse, you can go ahead and add your spouse as long as your new score remains above the cut off level of the draw in which you were invited.

You can add the spouse even after receiving the ITA in such cases.