Is 480 a Good CRS Score in 2023?

By Vijay Lala



The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score is a crucial factor in determining an individual’s eligibility for permanent residency (PR) in Canada. It plays a significant role in the Express Entry system, which manages the selection of skilled immigrants for various economic immigration programs.

As we move into the second half of 2023, one common question among prospective immigrants is whether a CRS score of 480 is considered good. Let’s explore this topic in more detail.

Understanding the CRS Score and its Significance

The CRS score is a points-based system used by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to evaluate and rank candidates in the Express Entry pool. It assesses candidates based on factors such as age, education, language proficiency, work experience, and adaptability. The CRS score is used to issue Invitations to Apply (ITAs) for Canadian PR to candidates with the highest scores in regular draws.

A higher CRS score generally improves an individual’s chances of receiving an ITA. However, the minimum CRS score required for an ITA varies with each draw, depending on factors such as the number of ITAs available and the size of the Express Entry pool. Consequently, what constitutes a “good” CRS score can fluctuate over time.

Evaluating a CRS Score of 480

A CRS score of 480 can be considered relatively competitive, given that it falls within the range of scores that have historically received ITAs in Express Entry draws. However, it is important to note that the required CRS score can vary significantly from one draw to another. Therefore, it is essential to stay updated with the latest information from IRCC and analyze recent draw trends to better understand the competitiveness of a specific CRS score.

The competitiveness of a CRS score also depends on the number of candidates in the Express Entry pool. If the pool is large and highly competitive, a CRS score of 480 may be relatively lower on the ranking scale. Conversely, if the pool is smaller or there is a decrease in the number of candidates with higher scores, a CRS score of 480 may be considered more favorable.

Maximizing CRS Score

While a CRS score of 480 may be considered competitive, candidates should aim to improve their scores whenever possible to enhance their chances of receiving an ITA. Here are some strategies to maximize CRS scores:

1. Language Proficiency:

Invest time and effort in improving language proficiency in English and French, as language skills carry substantial weight in the CRS. Taking language courses, practicing regularly, and aiming for higher language test scores can significantly boost CRS points.

2. Education:

Consider pursuing further education to increase the CRS score. Obtaining a higher level of education, such as a master’s or doctoral degree, can earn more points. It is important to have educational qualifications assessed and recognized by designated organizations.

3. Work Experience:

Accumulate additional work experience in a skilled occupation, as this can contribute to CRS points. Gaining work experience in Canada, especially in a high-demand occupation, can be advantageous. Ensure that work experience aligns with the National Occupational Classification (NOC) system.

4. Provincial Nomination:

Explore provincial nomination programs, as receiving a nomination from a specific province can provide a significant boost to CRS scores. Each province has its own selection criteria and eligibility requirements, so research and identify the programs that align with your qualifications and work experience.

5. Adaptability Factors:

Improve adaptability factors to increase CRS points. Factors such as Canadian work experience, having a spouse with language proficiency, or having siblings in Canada can contribute to additional points.


A CRS score of 480 can be considered competitive and may present good prospects for receiving an ITA. However, it is crucial to remember that the required CRS score is subject to change with each Express Entry draw.

Prospective immigrants should strive to enhance their CRS scores by improving language proficiency, gaining more work experience, pursuing further education, exploring provincial nomination programs, and maximizing adaptability factors.

Keeping up-to-date with the latest information from IRCC and seeking professional advice can greatly assist in navigating the Canadian immigration process successfully.

By Vijay Lala

Vijay Lala is the founder and editor-in-chief of Dual master's degrees in Political Science and Economics, along with a decade of Canadian immigration research experience, have equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of immigration law, policy research, and settlement issues. Linkedin  Twitter

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