Manitoba invites 141 PNP candidates in latest draw

By Vijay Lala



Immiboards ― On June 17, 2021, the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) issued 141 LOAA (Letters of Advice to Apply) in the latest Expression of Interest (EOI) draw.

The latest draw was the 119th Manitoba PNP draw under the EOI system.

The previous Manitoba MPNP draw occurred on June 7, 2021, where 142 LOAA (Letters of Advice to Apply) were issued.

Details of Manitoba MPNP Draw 119 (June 17, 2021)

95 Letters of Advice to Apply issued to “Skilled workers in Manitoba” category. The score of the lowest-ranked candidate invited was 375 points. 

MPNP issued 22 Letters of Advice to Apply to “International Education Stream” category candidates. 

MPNP issued 25 Letters of Advice to Apply issued to candidates under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative.

The score of the lowest-ranked candidate invited in this category was 708.

Manitoba issued 13 LOAA’s to candidates with a valid Express Entry ID and job seeker validation code.

List of all MPNP Draws held in 2021

Manitoba’s EOI system for MPNP Draw

Candidates who want to immigrate through Manitoba’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) need to register an Expression of Interest with the Manitoba PNP (MPNP) program.

Once they register, they are eligible to receive an LOAA through the Skilled Workers in Manitoba and Skilled Workers Overseas streams if they qualify.

Check the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program page for details on each category and understand how to apply it under Manitoba PNP.

Manitoba’s ranks candidates out of 1,000 points based on various factors.

These factors are English or French language skills, education, work experience, Manitoba connections, and other factors.

Check out the Manitoba PNP Points Calculator and calculate your points.

Provincial Nomination

A Provincial Nomination allows a candidate to secure 600 additional points thus virtually guaranteeing an invite in the Express Entry Draw.

Did you get an invite from MPNP? Share your timeline and experience in the forum.

By Vijay Lala

Vijay Lala is the founder and editor-in-chief of Dual master's degrees in Political Science and Economics, along with a decade of Canadian immigration research experience, have equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of immigration law, policy research, and settlement issues. Linkedin  Twitter

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